Current Asunción Drive Information as of 14 Mar 2025
The current format for Asunción is .
If you are unsure if your bike is appropriate for this event? Click Here
Please note, as information changes, ride details will be available closer to the ride date and subject to a COVID-19 Self Declaration. We will contact all participants in mid-May with all the ride information.
The time and place you will meet all other drivers.
Time between meeting and drive start - 01 hour 00 minutes.
The place where the drive will finish.
El punto final del recorrido será el evento Classic Rides Show, donde previa confirmación podrán participar de la exposición con sus autos o simplemente visitarla.
El acceso de los vehiculos a la exposición será hasta las 13hs y las puertas se abrirán a las 14hs.
Que se diviertan!
Pierre Cornet
Luis Ricardo González
Nicolas Fantl
Istvan De Barath