Drivers registered


Total Raised

$1235 USD


Current Falkirk Drive Information as of 23 Jan 2025

The current format for Falkirk is .

If you are unsure if your bike is appropriate for this event? Click Here

Please note, as information changes, ride details will be available closer to the ride date and subject to a COVID-19 Self Declaration. We will contact all participants in mid-May with all the ride information.

Drive Details

Start City



Sunday 29th Sep 2024

Meeting Time



22 mi

Meet at 09:00

Start Place: Riccarton Farm, EH49 6PH, LINLITHGOW

The time and place you will meet all other drivers.

Time between meeting and drive start - 01 hour 30 minutes.

Drive Finish (Approx )

Finish Place: Bo'Ness and Kinniel Railway, EH51 9UD, Bo'Ness

The place where the drive will finish.

Additional Information

Hello All,

Welcome to the the Falkirk Distiguished Gentlemans Drive 2024, this is our second year hosting the drive and for those of you who joined us last year thank you for all your efforts in fundraising and for re-joining us again this year. For those joining for their first time its great to have you on board to raise money for a great cause and have some fun in the process.

We will once again be starting at Riccarton farm in Linlithgow where we aim to meet between 9/9:30am where there will be free tea, coffee and other treats to enjoy, so you can look round the cars and everyone can get to know one another. We have toilets on site too. Before we set off we will do a drive briefing and hand out maps with the drive route and car numbers. There is also two prizes up for grabs for the best car and the best dressed on the day. 

We have set a provisional departure time of 10:30am however we may set off slightly later incase we have any late arrivals. 

The route we have set out at the moment on the drive map is different from last year giving us new roads to explore, trying to make sure we stay away from busy traffic and towns and enjoy the open country road. so far it looks like the route will take roughly an hour to complete but we wont be in any rush. 

The drive will once again end at the Bo'ness and Kinneil Railway where there is a large car park we can all gather in for a de-brief and a group picture, on site there is plenty to see and do, from enjoying the cafe, exploring the museum or even having a trip out on the train. 

Until then keep up the good work fundraising, polishing the cars and ironing your sunday best for the big day. 

Thankyou in advance for supporting this event if you have any questions feel free to get in touch.

Your hosts

Grant Watson 

Fraser Preston 

Falkirk Drive Hosts


Grant Watson


Fraser Preston

Top Drivers Falkirk


Grant Watson

$275 USD


Alan Rudland

$240 USD


Mark Lindsay

$222 USD