© 2025 The Distinguished Gentleman's Drive. All rights reserved.
Current Pretoria Drive Information as of 29 Jan 2025
The current format for Pretoria is .
If you are unsure if your bike is appropriate for this event? Click Here
Please note, as information changes, ride details will be available closer to the ride date and subject to a COVID-19 Self Declaration. We will contact all participants in mid-May with all the ride information.
The time and place you will meet all other drivers.
Time between meeting and drive start - 00 hour 30 minutes.
The time the drive will start.
The place where the drive will finish.
It is almost time for the annual Distinguished Gentleman's Drive- prepare your machines, press your tweeds and partake in the world's biggest and most stylish drive.
On Sunday 29 September we will be starting our engines at our home base, Wat Swaai Jy (VCSA) and head out on a circular route. ITOO Insurance has generously sponsored coffee upon arrival for all participants. We have arranged a food truck for lunch once we get back but you are allowed to pack your own picnic basket and enjoy our outdoor space. We will have some live music on the day for your enjoyment.
Any classic car older than 40 years will be allowed to participate, please ensure that you dress dapper for this special event. Keep an eye on our social media for updates to follow... we look forward to hosting you!
Nadia Viljoen